Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Faith in You just like Daniel

"He delivers and rescues;
he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth,
he who has saved Daniel from the power of the lions."
Daniel 6: 27

I believe most christian have read about story of Daniel and how God saved him from the lions. For those who don't know about the story; here are the short version of it. The king sign a document which stated that anyone who make petition to any god or man for thirty days except to the king will be throw into the lion den. When Daniel heard about this news, he didn't obey the law but instead he got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks to God. His actions were make known to the king and king had no choice but to put Daniel into the lions' den.

How many times in life when circumstance arises, we choose to bow down to circumstances instead of God. We forget that God can protect us and our eyes were only set on the circumstances. Daniel did not only prayed three times a day but he is also giving thanks despite he is going to be in the lions' den. Daniel got down on his knees when he heard about the news; knowing that when he honor God, God will honor him and he eventually submit the problems that coming to him to God and began to thank God.

We at times focus so much on the problems and forget to thank God for works that He had done previously. Daniel didn't lose faith at God even at the moment he enter the lions' den and place all  his trust in God. A lot of times when problems come, we did pray and even got down on our knees but we forget to thank God for what He have done because our eyes was so focus on problems ahead and forget about what God has done in the past.

We eventually lose patience when we can't find solution as date end of the problem is getting nearer; we lose faith in God. As you can see that God deliver Daniel at the very last moment; the moment when Daniel is in the lions' den yet Daniel remain faithful. Don't lose faith even when date end of a circumstances in getting nearer and began to thank God of His wonderful deeds in those moment.

O Lord, I thank you for the works that You have done in my life. When circumstances arise, help me to be like Daniel; bowing down to You and not on the circumstances and strengthen my faith in You as I'm going through those circumstances. Amen.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

There is troubles but I am with you

For he will conceal me there when troubles comes;
he will hide me in his sanctuary.
He will place me out of reach on a high rock.
Psalm 27:5

Trouble is a thing or words that people don't like to associate with. Life was never being smooth and it was always a roller coaster ride; filled with ups and downs. People have this kind of thought that being a christian, life would be free of troubles but God never said we will trouble free.

Instead of being trouble, His words says that our life would be filled with trial and tribulation. But why choose to be christian since more troubles will be coming our way. Yes, life will be difficult but what makes us as christian special is that we have a Heavenly Father who will provide and look after our needs.

God promise that He will hide us in His sanctuary and place us on high rock. This is also God saying that I will be with you through out the problem and share the problem with you. When we face problems or troubles, we hope we can find someone to share our burden or at least someone to his or her ears to us. God is ever ready today to be that person who you and I wish for; someone who share our burdens and going through the troubles and problems with us.

God will see you through your storms in life today together with you. Life is difficult itself but God is sending an invitation to all of us asking whether He can be our companion in our life to walk with us through tears and joy. Are you willing to accept this invitation today?

O God, life is full of troubles and problems but today I know I won't facing them alone. I invite You, O Lord into my life to walk with me through tears and joy; knowing that You will go through each moment with me. Thank you, Lord. Amen

Monday, 24 September 2012

There is time for everything

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Often people would said there is time for everything. But is it really there is a time for everything? During the early days of my youth, I quit believing everything happened for a reason and has its own time. People around me especially elders keep telling me there is a time for everything. Their words would come in my right ear and go out on the left ear because these words keep repeating for many times that I lost count and don't see the purpose of it.

I lost hope in believing God has time and purpose for everything. Worst, I doubt whether God really exist. If God does really exist, why am I going through all those suffering and He didn't lend a hand of help. Question after question keep pop up in my mind asking why yet answers weren't given.

One day, a sister in the church gave me this verse and told me that she believe God wants to encourage me with this verse. At that moment, I am shocked and stunned because I never knew this verse exist in the bible and when I read this verse; images of my past keep showing in my mind like a movie.

God let me see everything that have happened; happen for a purpose and reason. What blow me off is that everything not only happened according to God timing but also under His supervision. God let me go through struggles so that I would turn into a pearl.

I am person who is not very good at communicating but God took years to mould and change me that I am able to lead cell group and do sharing of His words. In my wildest dream, I never thought I would be doing all this stuff. God is a God who can turn ordinary you and me into extraordinary. Believe that God has a time and purpose for everything and He is supervising.

O Lord, I believe that You have time and purpose for everything. At times I can't understand Your time and purpose but in those moment help me strengthen my faith and reveal Your plan little by little to me. Amen.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

We are chosen

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own very special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
1 Peter2:9

It such a joy and honour when you are inform by someone that you are chosen for some important event or awards. I am sure most of people will feel excited and this verse tell us that God, who is King of kings choose us. God who is high above choose us; isn't that should be something that we should be rejoicing.

As life goes on, critics on us keep increasing and at times it make us wondering who we are and make us feel worthless. We kept being envy of someone who is famous because being someone who is famous is also meaning that people recognise their identity. 

But bible tell us the opposite, word of God say that we are His child, friend and partners. He said that we are chosen. We have an identity and one that we should proudly declare to the world. No matter what people tell you that how bad you are and how useless you, don't keep it in your heart because God say that you are His own very special people.

People doesn't create us but God does. This can explain why God know us better than the rest. Let God determine what you should be and not people. When God create and choose us, He had our life all plan out. God doesn't control us but He is just merely guide us. God say we are created in Christ for good work and God prepare us beforehand so that we will walk in them(Ephesians 2:10). 

Live your life by letting God tell you who are and not let people decide who you are because you are God's chosen and His very own special people. Enjoy this identity that God has given to you. Ask God today in your prayer; what is the purpose of Him choosing you.

Heavenly Father, as I come before You in humility, I just want to thank you for choosing me to be Your child, friend and very own special people. Let me know the purpose of You choosing me, O Lord. Let You, O Lord, alone determine who I am and not people around. Let me from this day onwards, live the to the fullness of the identity that You have set for me. Amen.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

When situation arise, where is God

"My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives."
Hebrews 12:5-6

Often questions pop up in my mind and asking why bad things happened in my life? Why my pray wasn't answer by God and I am drowning by situation yet I don't seek God working. Those were the thoughts that often in my mind that once lead me to believe God has ignore me and whether does God really exist.

If He does exist, why didn't He answer my prayer and help me. Didn't the bible tell us that He love us; if He love us so much, why He wouldn't help us. When things happened, problems arise, I began to doubt that God really love us. At that moment, I lost confident in God and my eyes was set on the problem. I was quick to forget what God has done for me in the past and began to count what God hasn't do for me in the current. I began to count on how many problems I am facing rather than the blessing I had.

Life to me was a misery. I can't see how can I overcome the current situation. I am so disappointed with life and God. On the contrary, His words tell us that He love us that why He chasten us. God allow situation happened in our life to make us stronger and better. We might not see it during that time but in the later part, we will realise God do it for good.

We focus on situation rather than having faith in God who has bless us in past and present. We tend to be short sighted when situation arise but God who knows our future is preparing us for the future. He is trying to equip us for a greater purpose. Human will tend to proud when everything went smooth and forget God. When situation arises, God is sending a gentle reminder telling us to be remain humble. 

We can be humble by situation because when situation push you to a corner and then you took a fall, you will only began to realise God is in control. God is moulding us in that process and all we need is learn to let go and trust in Him. Remain faithful in those situation and ask God what He want you learn in those situation rather than blaming and lose faith in Him.

God use 10 years to mould me to be a better person and 10 years is long period. God has so much patience with me and I believe He has the same amount of patience with you. So why don't we be patience with Him when situation arises. If you love yourself, God love you more than you love yourself. 

If you feel that you are in pain and sadness in those situation, God is weeping for you because of His fatherly love towards you but He know that in order for you to grow, you need to go through situation. Learn to trust in Him for He is a God who will always love you no matter what people or the world say about you.

O Lord, I don't know how I can get out of the situation but nevertheless I choose to trust in You. I believe You are in the process of moulding me and let me know what are You trying to teach me in those situation. For each time I lose faith, O Lord remind me of Your great love. Thank you Lord for having a wonderful plan in my life. Amen

Monday, 17 September 2012

My hiding place and shield

You are my hiding place and my shield;
I have hope in word.
Psalms 119:114

What does it mean by hiding place? As for me, hiding place is a place that you would feel safe and will rest on that place. When we place hide and seek, we will usually find a hiding place and hope that people won't find us. 

What is the function of shield? To protect the soldier when they are at war. It is meant to block or protect any damages that come at its way. If you combine hiding place and shield, you will have a place that is safe and are able to protect you from any danger. In verse above, it refer God as our hiding place and shield. Such is a big faith declaration and is also exactly what God is doing for us all these while.

When we usually face problem or life stress, we will usually solve it with our own strength and going to God will always be the last option. There also times when  we feel tired as we required to fulfil standards set by people around us; we opt to find other way to help us relax rather than finding God. There also moments when we face a big storms in our life that it had already crush us yet we choose to kept it to ourselves and not go to God.

God say it fine to come to Him when face the those situation above. He is always there ready to be your hiding place and shield. There a lot things in life where situation can't be control by us and in those time, you can just come Lord and say be my hiding place and shield. God will definitely welcome you with an arms open wide. He will tell you that my son come to me and rest and hug you tightly.

Other than giving safety and protection, He can also give you hope. God never fail you but people will fail you. When situation seem hopeless and all ways seem to be shut; His words tell us that God will open a way. Such is the promises of God and His promise give hope. There are times when we feel God isn't doing anything when we already feel hopeless but actually God is working, just that is not the time to show us the end result. In those moment, we should read His words and have hope in it.

Make this verse as prayer for today and declare it by faith. Write it in your heart and remind yourself of this verse when you face a storm in your life.

Heavenly Father, I prayer and declare that You are my hiding place and shield whom I can rest upon and be protected. I also believe the promises that You have give me and it is written in Your words. I pray that Your words will always be an encouragement and give me hope in hopeless and trouble situation. Amen.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Set my eyes on You

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

What am I going to do about weakness? I feel so weak and what happen if my friends find out? People scare to expose their weakness because society taught us that we need to be strong in order to survive but yet the God tell us the opposite.

Today, God is telling that is ok to be weak. It doesn't mean that you are weak and God will love you lesser or He won't use you. Is wrong to have this kind of thinking. I was once like this and keep telling myself that I am such a weakling and God won't use me. Here again God remind us that His grace is sufficient for us. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. What an encouraging words from God, Himself.

When you are weak, you will feel humble. Only those moment you will only began to learn to trust Him. God wants you to be humble but not timid because God always wanted to give us the honour to serve Him. God knows your every need and God see what is in your heart but man only look at the outward appearance( 1 Samuel 16:7). People want the best skilled man to work for them but God only want a who is willing to humble because God doesn't look at your incapabilities. God use you for who you are as a whole and not only your strength.

Let this verse be your prayer for today and ask God to use you. Set your eyes on God and not on your weakness because when your eyes on God; you will began to see what can do in your life but if your eyes on your weakness, you will only see yourself as failure. When I set my eyes on Him, my life began to change. God keep sprung me with surprises, one after another.

O Lord, help me to set my eyes on your rather than my weaknesses for I know your grace is more than sufficient for me. Use me and let me have this honour to serve because your are a loving God who looks at my heart and not my physical appearance. Amen. 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Be like a child

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

Being a child is best things that you wanted it to happened when you grew up. As adult, we are being bounded by duties and responsibilities which often will become a burden. These responsibilities make us to grow mature and as our thinking grew mature; the element of simpleness is gone. It is simply because our surrounding taught us that things weren't that simple. We grew with the society norms telling us that things are meant to be complex.

But being a child, they have a very simple mind set. When they wanted something, they would ask for it. They seldom keep it as secret; they want it, they will have it is a motto when being a child. They are never shy to ask from someone dearest to them. They like sharing the daily experience with their parents too.

What Jesus ask of us is to be like a child. Being simple minded is key. Jesus is sending an invitation saying that you can talk me about everything and can ask of me for anything. Jesus lives at your heart; He is that close to you.

I remember a movie by the title "Letter to God". The kid got diagnose with leukaemia and every time he will write a letter to God. He would share with God about what happened to him and his feelings too whether is a joyful or a sad one. His actions may be stupid and he even has a right to be angry with God for having this sickness but he once said that he doesn't understand why he has this kind of sickness but he remain in trusting God. 

This is the intimate relationship that God is looking for. Be like the kid in that movie and be simple when it comes to building relationship with Him. God doesn't required you to complete step 1,2,3 to have a good relationship with Him. Key is being simple and come to Him like a child.

O Lord, help me to come to You like a child. I just want to be simple with You and I want to share my daily experience with You like a father and son. Amen

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

He is the same

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

Yesterday, today, and forever, will we be the same yesterday and today, perhaps a little different but forever is definitely a big change. How can things remain the same forever? Things might have the possibility to remain same for forever but not with human. As we grew up, people and surrounding force us to change so that we are able to fit in because during the process of growing up, people tend to have different expectation us and will required us to fulfil it. As teenager, we are required to excel in studies and as adults we need to be successful in career. Matter of facts, we all do change and won't stay the same but here is a verse who tell us that He stays the same.

That is Jesus Christ!!! We often said that God doesn't really care about me like previously or He doesn't even bother about me any more.There are even times when we said that I feel that God is too far away from me but here say that He is same God who answer your very first prayer and the very God who you use to talk with. God doesn't change but we do; as we change, we tend to forget we have a God who is still remain the same for forever. Forever is a strong word, it means eternal. Jesus Christ is Son of God who is high above yet because of His love towards you, He willing to remain the same.

Each time we took a fall, He feel pain and each time we weep, He weep with us. It doesn't matter whether you are in your twenties or fifties, He remain the same for you. Even there are times we long forgotten Him but He is always there to guide us back. Circumstances and people in your life changes each time you step into different phase of your life but this verse remind us when all things around you changes but you will always have a friend and God who remain the same and His name is Jesus. His love towards you is eternal that yesterday, today, and forever, He remain the same for you.

Thank you Lord, for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank you for reminding me that You have an eternal love for me and thank you for being there for me when I needed You most. Amen

Monday, 10 September 2012

His still small voice

"Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts."
Hebrews 4:7

When I was small, teachers in Sunday school will always tell us that God speak to us in various ways. I always wonder how God who is almighty speak to us and I will always be amazed when people can listen to what God speak. Does He speak in a serious tone or perhaps a sweet voice or maybe a voice that sounds like my parents. Those were the thoughts that usually pop up in my mind when I was small. As I grew up, I am pretty sure that God spoke to me in certain occasion but other times I just wasn't so certain about it. Each time God spoke, I feel uneasy and wanted to just ignore that voice but as I am trying harder to fight it off; it grew stronger. As a teenager, we grew with people telling us what to do and hardly trust us to do it our own way and yet this little voice was doing the exact same thing. I asking myself why should I listen or trust that voice which sound so distinct. Those were the times when we would just ignored and continue to proved we as teenagers worth something. Of course quite a number of teenagers managed to be successful in their life when they ignored this voice but how many didn't fall along the way when the weight of the world was on their shoulder or they began to feel empty after achieving success. I was also rebellious and took the same path except my life wasn't a success. My life entered down a drain and I can't seem to  find the purpose of living. I still remember very clearly that on a very night; God spoke to me and He said a very two simple words. He who is God which is divine and holy called me, "My son, my son," yet I am sinner who even forget who He is. From His voice, I did not only heard a fatherly voice but a voice of love and hope which melted my heart. When we grew up, a lot people who came into our life and hurt us and in order to protect ourselves; we choose to harden our heart, even to God because we are afraid to open up once  more to let others hurt us and also because the very rebellious nature of our character. Since that night onwards, I learn to listen to His still small voice. Learning to listen to with a submissive heart rather than a rebellious one. Listen to Him who knows your future and who has a plan to prosper you. Don't take His still small voice for granted. If you continue to harden your heart, God can't do anything but to let you fall because that is the time when you will be willing to listen to someone's advice. Don't follow my footsteps because when I fall; I fall really hard....learn to listen and start to soften your heart today. His voice is like a light that shine and lead you....

Dear Heavenly Father, forgive me being proud and rebellious but ignoring Your voice when spoke to me with a purpose to bless and help me. As this day onwards, help me to soften up my heart and let my ears and heart can sensitive towards Your voice because I believe You have great plans for me and I want to be part of the plans. Amen.