"My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives."
Hebrews 12:5-6
Often questions pop up in my mind and asking why bad things happened in my life? Why my pray wasn't answer by God and I am drowning by situation yet I don't seek God working. Those were the thoughts that often in my mind that once lead me to believe God has ignore me and whether does God really exist.
If He does exist, why didn't He answer my prayer and help me. Didn't the bible tell us that He love us; if He love us so much, why He wouldn't help us. When things happened, problems arise, I began to doubt that God really love us. At that moment, I lost confident in God and my eyes was set on the problem. I was quick to forget what God has done for me in the past and began to count what God hasn't do for me in the current. I began to count on how many problems I am facing rather than the blessing I had.
Life to me was a misery. I can't see how can I overcome the current situation. I am so disappointed with life and God. On the contrary, His words tell us that He love us that why He chasten us. God allow situation happened in our life to make us stronger and better. We might not see it during that time but in the later part, we will realise God do it for good.
We focus on situation rather than having faith in God who has bless us in past and present. We tend to be short sighted when situation arise but God who knows our future is preparing us for the future. He is trying to equip us for a greater purpose. Human will tend to proud when everything went smooth and forget God. When situation arises, God is sending a gentle reminder telling us to be remain humble.
We can be humble by situation because when situation push you to a corner and then you took a fall, you will only began to realise God is in control. God is moulding us in that process and all we need is learn to let go and trust in Him. Remain faithful in those situation and ask God what He want you learn in those situation rather than blaming and lose faith in Him.
God use 10 years to mould me to be a better person and 10 years is long period. God has so much patience with me and I believe He has the same amount of patience with you. So why don't we be patience with Him when situation arises. If you love yourself, God love you more than you love yourself.
If you feel that you are in pain and sadness in those situation, God is weeping for you because of His fatherly love towards you but He know that in order for you to grow, you need to go through situation. Learn to trust in Him for He is a God who will always love you no matter what people or the world say about you.
O Lord, I don't know how I can get out of the situation but nevertheless I choose to trust in You. I believe You are in the process of moulding me and let me know what are You trying to teach me in those situation. For each time I lose faith, O Lord remind me of Your great love. Thank you Lord for having a wonderful plan in my life. Amen
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