Tuesday, 12 March 2013

My ultimate best partner

Devotion not only helping you get closer to God but also letting God turning you into more submissive person. It help us in better knowing God and develop more intimidate relationship. When things happen, you know who you can trust and turn too. Most Christians know that who should we turn to in bad time and also the good time but how many success in doing it. We fail because we have trust issues with God. We often questioning ourselves by asking if we let go our problem fully to God, what if it fail. If God allow failure; is about God closing this door and open another one. Our relationship with God is not only restrict to father and child or friends or God but He is also our partner, the best ultimate partner. We don't spend time with God (partner) , we can't click along and resulting us questioning God action most of the time rather than trusting them. Get to know your best ultimate partner today.


Lord, help me know Your heart. Not only teaching me on how to let go but also teach me to place it at Your hands. By doing so, I know my problem is taken care off. There will also be times that I couldn't understand why You do so but in those moments; help me to be submissive and let me take comfort knowing You will open another door when You close one like You always do. Amen.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

What drives you today?

I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians  3:14

What are the factors that drives you today? Wealth? Recognition? Power? I am not how many have heard this story before; there was a man who works for an insurance company and he try everything to achieve the top level of management position. He work very hard for it and spend most of his time on it. He did it with the concept that his family would have a better life if he is able to get to that position. Within few years, he got promoted twice and he wasn't satisfy because it didn't reach the position that he wanted to have so worked even harder. He would skip church and stay in Starbucks to look at trades and make preparation for presentation. 

At the time he was climbing up towards his position; he is also gain more enemies in the office. His co-workers would sabotage his work but all of this makes him to be more determine. At the end, he did succeed in hitting his aim but the price he paid was too great. His wife and sons left him and he had no one to share his success. What driven him was hunger for power although at the initial it was about better life for his family.

Are we driven by responsibility in serving or is it because we serve because we love God? Often when we are driven by other factors in our serving, we tend to become more critic and less encouraging. We tend to overlook the best of others and see the superior that is in us. Every little action that we make can make a big impact in our future. 

If your serving today is driven by your love for God thing will be different. It is because love has no boundaries and it breaks boundaries. We are willing to go extra miles for others when we are serving in God loving attitude. We will more encouraging and less critic. Began to make changes with your little action and you will see a big impact in the future.

Heavenly Father, help me to change the attitude of my serving and my drives in serving you. Let my love for you be the drive of my life. Help me in changing although those steps that I take will be small. Also help me to be more encouraging and less critic. Amen

Thursday, 10 January 2013

A tree by the rivers of waters

But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That bring forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.
Psalms 1:2-3

Recently I watched a testimony of some celebrities who hit a scandal few years back. He said his life hit the bottom of when the scandal left a big negative impact in his life and marriage. When at the bottom, he was introduced to Christ. He accepted Christ but he said his life didn't changed immediately and the good impact didn't came all at once but it came little by little. Changes happened one by one and began turn into good.

One of his struggled was each time the negative thoughts will come to him and what he does was simple. He recite bible verse each time those thoughts came. He said if I meditate once and it can't be remove, I will continue to meditate until it went off. He was a new Christian and the verse he know by heart was very little but it didn't stop him to recite because he believe there is power in God's words. How about you?

Each time something happened he will pray and meditate on God's words. In this way, he life began to changed by his marriage being saved. From time to time problem didn't stop but he said he will know pray together with his wife and God save not only their marriage but his family.

No one born and already know to how to walk or run. Each step that we take is a learning process and is not easy. There is no different for us too when we meditate God's words. He struggled at first and he took each opportunity to memorize the some verse that he know. In his walk, sleep or even bathe time, he is memorizing. 

After two years, he succeed in making a new movie and his life is back on track but is different from the past because he is a tree that planted by the rivers of waters. God say that we will prosper if we meditate His words day and night. Everyone has its own struggle but are you willing to persist on and to be a tree planted by the rivers of waters.

O Lord, I want to meditate your words day and night. A lot of times, I have struggles in meditating and memorizing but in those I need your strength more than ever. Give me strength, strength that comes from you. Thank you, Lord for your words. Amen.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Love never fail

Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.
1 Corinthians 13:8

Does love really never fails? Yes because someone has demonstrate this unfailing love us long time and the best part is that is still available to us till today. God has demonstrate this unfailing love to us when He sent Jesus to die for us. He sent His Son that He love the most to die for us so that we could experience this unfailing love. This also make us His most love sons and daughter.

In life, there are so many things that can fail us yet we at times trust them again and again. When it comes to love someone, we find it hard to do. We will give a thousand reason when we ask to love someone that not loveable but aren't we also not loveable when Christ die for us. We sent Him to the cross and die yet His unfailing love continue to pour for us.

Today we should ask ourselves a question. Are we willing to make room for this love? Is not that we are not able but a lot of times is that we are unwilling. Christ make room so that when the world tell us that we are not loveable, He still love us and He never fail to do so. Is not an easy step as we know but isn't God is there to help and guide us. What could be even better than we are learning to love unfailingly from the first person who gave us unfailing love.

Start to make room and take one step at a time to learn this unfailing love but things won't stay the same.

Thank you, Lord for your unfailing love. It was your great love for us that today we experience love that never fail. Help us to make room for those are not loveable and give us strength and courage to do so. Amen.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Begin your morning right

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift my soul.
Psalms 143:8

How do you usually begin your morning? As for me, I wake up find myself still kind of blur and can't focus on the task that I wish to do. Despite our brain can't quite focus yet we wake up each morning hoping that something good will happen as we are going through the day. What good things are you hoping for? A promotion or perhaps someone to love you more?

I went through the 15 years of my life hoping that something good will happen and I just past my each morning blurry  and each day passed by same like yesterday. Changes happened around 3 months ago when I begin to pray and read God's word in the morning.

People say is hard to read the bible and pray in the morning because we are so sleep and can't remain focus especially our surrounding is so silent. But if you were to talk to your love one, will you be attentive? or perhaps you fall asleep? Of course you will listen to every word that comes out from her mouth and talk to her.

That applies the same with God. Begin your morning by telling Him, how much you love Him and you know that He loves you so much. Isn't it very sweet to have someone tell you in the early morning that He loves you. What make your morning even better is that you can ask your love one to walk with or guide you through your day. You can ask God to do that and trust me; your day will be different.

Although it won't be smooth sailing but at least you can rejoice in those hard times because knowing that your Abba Father is going through with you. Start your morning right with God today and you will see a different for the rest of your days.

Abba Father, I come before you on this morning, I just wish to tell you that I love you and I know you love me too. I pray that you show which way I should go as I going through the rest of my day. Knowing that You are with me, I will be able to smile even when I face hard times. Amen