Tuesday, 12 March 2013

My ultimate best partner

Devotion not only helping you get closer to God but also letting God turning you into more submissive person. It help us in better knowing God and develop more intimidate relationship. When things happen, you know who you can trust and turn too. Most Christians know that who should we turn to in bad time and also the good time but how many success in doing it. We fail because we have trust issues with God. We often questioning ourselves by asking if we let go our problem fully to God, what if it fail. If God allow failure; is about God closing this door and open another one. Our relationship with God is not only restrict to father and child or friends or God but He is also our partner, the best ultimate partner. We don't spend time with God (partner) , we can't click along and resulting us questioning God action most of the time rather than trusting them. Get to know your best ultimate partner today.


Lord, help me know Your heart. Not only teaching me on how to let go but also teach me to place it at Your hands. By doing so, I know my problem is taken care off. There will also be times that I couldn't understand why You do so but in those moments; help me to be submissive and let me take comfort knowing You will open another door when You close one like You always do. Amen.