Wednesday, 6 February 2013

What drives you today?

I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians  3:14

What are the factors that drives you today? Wealth? Recognition? Power? I am not how many have heard this story before; there was a man who works for an insurance company and he try everything to achieve the top level of management position. He work very hard for it and spend most of his time on it. He did it with the concept that his family would have a better life if he is able to get to that position. Within few years, he got promoted twice and he wasn't satisfy because it didn't reach the position that he wanted to have so worked even harder. He would skip church and stay in Starbucks to look at trades and make preparation for presentation. 

At the time he was climbing up towards his position; he is also gain more enemies in the office. His co-workers would sabotage his work but all of this makes him to be more determine. At the end, he did succeed in hitting his aim but the price he paid was too great. His wife and sons left him and he had no one to share his success. What driven him was hunger for power although at the initial it was about better life for his family.

Are we driven by responsibility in serving or is it because we serve because we love God? Often when we are driven by other factors in our serving, we tend to become more critic and less encouraging. We tend to overlook the best of others and see the superior that is in us. Every little action that we make can make a big impact in our future. 

If your serving today is driven by your love for God thing will be different. It is because love has no boundaries and it breaks boundaries. We are willing to go extra miles for others when we are serving in God loving attitude. We will more encouraging and less critic. Began to make changes with your little action and you will see a big impact in the future.

Heavenly Father, help me to change the attitude of my serving and my drives in serving you. Let my love for you be the drive of my life. Help me in changing although those steps that I take will be small. Also help me to be more encouraging and less critic. Amen